
Разработка стратегии устойчивой инфраструктуры

Company: multinational fast food chain(France branch)

Task: Development of sustainable infrastructure strategy.

Main actions:
  • Identify the priority topics where to act.
  • Define the functional scopes of 1 to 3 pilots and help selecting the technical suppliers.
  • Benchmark of strategies and actions in customer services industry with a focus on the hospitality industry.
  • RFIs and RFPs on green building specifications which required external support (2 new and 1 renovation), compilation of the responses and realization of the decision matrix.

  • Priority topics on infrastructures were identified and validated.
  • KPIs were defined in order to assess the future enhancement on these topics.
  • Managers were trained and provided with common documentation (vocabulary, concepts, KPIs meaning, explanations on standards, etc.).
2023-02-02 10:46 Устойчивое развитие Разработка KPIs